Top 3 Fads that will Totally Transform the Food Economy in 2018

With another International Food Day rounding the corner, it is interesting to note how food fads serve as a major driver in transforming food economies throughout the globe. Foods fads are not just simple trends which have caught the fancy of a bunch of people– rather, these reflect vital areas of interest with regards to a particular population, including concerns over their health and also their current economic condition. With 2018 mere months away, it is interesting to analyze what the new year has in store when it comes to trends in the food and beverages industry. We are listing the choicest three herein- fads that will transform your food palette in the year 2018.

# Fad 1: Protein Rich Food Replacement Drinks

The global smoothie industry has seen many protein rich products, such as protein shake, meal replacement, and meal supplements, becoming more and more popular – the year 2018 witnessed a large number of fitness enthusiasts switch to these food fads. But, very few households thought of these food options as a major part of their everyday diet. As the population gets educated about the importance of protein for their overall wellbeing, it is expected that protein rich food replacement drinks will become a norm.

new-piktochart_25252622 (3)# Fad 2: Low-carb snacks

Responsible snacking has always been a difficult nut to crack. With most snacks being heavily loaded with carbs and sugar, dieticians and food experts are constantly working on coming up with healthier snacking options. Foods like roasted nuts, sautéed vegetables, and sweet potato snacks, have gained a lot of popularity as they are not only delicious and filling– but also low on unhealthy carbs. Several major names in the food industry have launched interesting and healthy snacking options which are sure to be the next big fad in the year 2018.

# Fad 3: Hybrid and Fermented Food

There was a time when fermented food was one of the most unappetizing items on the plate. But, as celebrities started promoting them in their interviews, the public has also developed a leaning towards probiotic foods. Excellent in boosting energy, and improving the functioning of the digestive system, fermented foods are sure to stay in the grocery lists of several households in the coming years.

Similarly, the interest in hybrid food, is another major development that has revealed itself in recent times. Rather than sticking to the common, mundane food habits– people are now more likely to experiment and are now more open to trying out food items from other parts of the world. Also, the fact that globalization and increased purchasing power has made it rather easy to buy exotic food items has boosted the demand for such hybrid food items.

Along with these three food fads, plant based dining and food which promotes good gut bacteria, are also something which will witness a lot of traction in the upcoming years.

These food fads are sure to transform the economy and encourage local produce in the upcoming year. The future of food industry looks quite healthy for sure!

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