Growth of Testing PaaS Bodes Well for Software Testing Industry

As much as we like to think it does, software doesn’t just spring from the lithe fingertips of developers, fully formed and ready to go. The road to functional software is long, and paved with many stages of testing (and, we assume, the tears of software architects).

In honor of the recent publication of Technavio’s report on the global testing platform-as-a-service market (which is growing at a 30.96% CAGR from 2014-2019), we’re breaking down the rigmarole of software testing, for your viewing (reading?) pleasure.  

3 principle software testing methods

Black box testing:

This type of testing is carried out without the knowledge of the internal workings of the application. The tester interacts with the user interface to provide input and get results.

White box testing (open box testing):

This type of testing requires a complete investigation of internal logic and codes, which means the tester needs to have a complete knowledge of the internal code.

Grey box testing

As the name might denote, grey box testing is carried out with limited knowledge of the internal workings of an application, with the tester having the authority to design documents and database to make the test plan.

Cloud testing

Software testing, as necessary as it is, can be cumbersome and costly for organizations to do in-house.

But like many other fields in IT, cloud-based systems are swooping in to save the day (and the bottom line). As you may have guessed, cloud-based testing lets software testing happen in the cloud. This eliminates upfront infrastructure costs and streamlines testing functions.

One of the main cloud-based software testing systems is the platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model.

PaaS is a computing platform that allows users to create web applications without the complexity of buying and maintaining the software. It’s primarily used when multiple developers are working on a development project or where the third-party service provider is required to interact with the application development process.

For more information on the drivers (which include reduced time-to-market and improved efficiency) and trends (rise in automated software testing) that are expected to impact the global testing PaaS market through the projected period, check out the new Technavio report here